Captain America: Civil War has been rocking faces off people everywhere, in no small part thanks to its new characters, namely a certain King of Wakanda called the Black Panther! So it's no surprise that I found myself wanting a toy of this sexy beast. Enter Hasbro's Marvel Legends, who has released an action figure version of Black Panther in their Civil War tie-in wave. I was lucky enough to snap one up in my local toy store before it disappeared...and you know what that means, right? Toy review!
I am in love with this toy. One look at it and you'll know why: the sculpt is gorgeous, perfectly capturing the intricate weave detail of Black Panther's movie costume, and the silver highlights on his mask, amulet, and gauntlets are well applied. Hasbro took no shortcuts with this toy, and it shows.
Black Panther in Civil War was as limber as his feline namesake, and thankfully his articulation reflects this. When it comes to joints, Black Panther comes with the whole shebang: double jointed knees and elbows, swivel waist, ab crunch, and a neck joint with a good range of motion. There's not an angle where he doesn't look badass, whether it's getting ready to pounce on Soviet super soldiers, or going toe-to-toe with Captain America.
Black Panther comes with no accessories except an alternate unmasked head of what's supposed to be Chadwick Boseman, the actor who plays T'Challa in the film. The sculpt is too soft and too cartoony to enjoy any resemblance to Boseman, but Hasbro isn't exactly known for their likenesses. Still, it's a cool addition, so you can actually display Black Panther with his helmet off to give your toy display some much-needed royalty!
Seriously, I could sing praises for this toy all day. I mean, the worst you could look out for is misapplied paint. It's not everyday Hasbro gets a Marvel Legends figure this right, so this Black Panther figure is a welcome surprise. Bandai is releasing an S.H.Figuarts version of Black Panther soon, but I dare say it's found stiff competition in Marvel Legends...and at half the price too!
Marvel Legends' Captain America: Civil War wave found its star, and it's name is Black Panther. Highly detailed and oozing with character, this toy would be the highlight of any action figure collection.
It's out in stores now, but I hear Black Panther is short-packed at one per case, making him pretty rare. And with an action figure this good, it will make him even rarer. I was very very fortunate to see one of him on the pegs, so I snapped it up knowing I might never get an opportunity like that again!
I hope you found this review useful. What did you think of Civil War? Let me know in the comment box! Thanks for reading!