It's time once again for the most verbose comic book reviews around! What have I got myself into this week? Read on and find out!

Marjorie Liu has shown she's got the knack of writing strong, believable female leads, and here on X-23 she's a great fit. I like the voice Liu gave Laura, which is a softened, more relatable take on the former X-Force member. It's adorable, especially in a flashback when X-23 and Logan were in a carnival. "I have heard that roller coasters make people scream and vomit. I want to try it." Laura says in an innocent, deadpan way. Priceless.
The story so far may seem to move slow, but the poignant, funny and badass character beats more than make up for it. Also, you get to savor Will Conrad's art a little more. His style is reminiscent of Mike Deodato, with all those shadows giving the book a moody atmosphere. With the demon inside Wolvie only growing in strength, and the appearance of a certain enigmatic Cajun mutant, what's in store for X-23? The good thing about it is, I can't wait to find out.
X-23 #2 is a rare second issue that's continues the awesomeness of the first. This is a 4 out of 5.

This issue has a lot going for it. Bunn has created a living, breathing Wild West world that's as believable as it is fantastic. It's got dirty deals, dirty women, dirty sprawling deserts and six guns of supernatural power, and none of them look or feel out of place with one another.
I love how perfect the story beats have been leading up to this issue, with the discovery of General Hume's plans for the six guns coming as a pleasant and awesome surprise. Nothing is hurried, nothing is too slow. I envy Bunn's comic work, and some industry bigshots over at the Big 2 could learn a thing or two from this man. Also, Brian Hurtt's art here is amazing. Where Bunn's words end, Hurtt's pencils begin to elaborate and build upon. His cartoony style, coupled with the earthy and playful colors he uses, just makes for a unique-looking book.
There's nothing else I can say that the comic can't say for itself. If you're not reading the Sixth Gun right now, you are missing out big time. This one is a 6 out of 5. You heard right!
Good week, two good books, what more can I ask for? Well, it's already understood that the answer is 'more money to buy comics', but I love rhetorical questions! My Week in Comics is on every Friday. Hit me up at the comments if you have anything to say or add about the comics reviewed this week. Thanks for reading!